Use "badman|badmen" in a sentence

1. Two dub edits ‘Bad’ and ‘Badder’ deconstructed from the track ‘Badman’ with DRS, from legendary Mark Ernestus and exclusively released via his Hardwax Record store …

2. However the dishes shake out, young Arizonan scholars will be lucky to have Badman and Stanger using their talents on our state’s finest ingredients for their midday meals.

3. Badmeng\N badmen\p badminton\N badness\N Badoglio\N Badr\N bad\ANvV Baecher\N Baeda\N Baedeker raid\h Baedeker\N BAEd\N Baekeland\N Baelbeer\N Bael\N bael\N Baerl\N Baerman\N Baer\N Baese\N baetylic\A baetyl\N Baeyer\N Baez\N BAE\N baffies\p Baffin Bay\h Baffin Island\h Baffin\N baffled\V bafflement\N baffleplate\N baffler\N baffle\tN baffling